Sunday, September 9, 2007

Robert's artwork

Howdy gang! It's Sunday...and Sunday, as we all know, is a day for reflection on all things heavenly. That's why I've taken this opportunity to share some of my love's own artwork. Robert is so incredibly talented. Don't ask me why we are wasting our lives in the 9 to 5 workforce. One of these days, we're gonna walk into work, suck face in front of the right-wingers, and quit. (We like to imagine every one's heads literally exploding.)

Robert drew, inked, and colored this piece. Cool, huh?



ruanevanovtch said...

j adore votre style de dessin,tout simplement

RDot said...

man its great work. both you and your man are incredibly we should see the angel getting violently raped by the bull...or vice versa...i sick. lol

HvH said...

Heaven versus Hell in the most sexual of It's really cool, guys :)
(no, my sigature doesn't translate to Heaven versus


JC said...

Wow-- so cool to see your partner's work. Do you guys ever collaborate?

I alwasy find it so interesting when I met gay couples who are both artists. My partner is also an artist (CG) so when we collab, it's really interesting becasue we both bring entirely different disciplines together.

DrawFellas said...

Very talented indeed!

Chubtoons said...

Thanks all. Robert doesn't beleive me when I tell him how great an artist he is. Maybe he'll listen to you guys.

If anyone could translate for ruanevanovtch, that would be great. Sorry, were just a couple of simple country guys here.

As for the rest, I'm gonna try to get Robert to do some follow-up art. Perhapse rdot's idea of the heavenly rape scene. I think he's allready working on that anyway.

BTW...what does HVH stand for?

I've had Robert ink quite a few of my works. He does bring quite a different asthetic to it. He's recently discovered inking with Photoshop, so it'll be interesting to see where that leads to.


Merton Parrish said...

Nice work!

Merton Parrish said...

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My blog address is:
(Don’t for get to include the url to your blog in your email.)

Thank you!

Merton Parrish

Jessica said...

Ooooh, this is great!