Sunday, May 20, 2007

Howdy! Welcome to my blog. Each week, I'll be posting my works and hopefully getting some feedback. I have a variety of styles, but one common inspiration: BIG MEN! Like most erotic artists, I draw what turns me on.
If you view my work, please take time to comment, critique, and let me know how I can improve and sell myself as an artist.


Jessica said...

When I first saw this, I thought "Wow, he actually looks like someone from TX." Which I considered a good thing, since many people don't really have a good idea of what Texans are like, then I saw that you're in Tyler!

Oh, and I came here by way of J.C. at Anti-Heroes.

Bullneck said...

Saw this drawing as featured on your t-shirt in TBRU photos -- it's totally kickass, dude! Hope you got lots of compliments on it, and I'll be keeping an eye out on your fantastic work in the future.